We’ll drink to that!

It’s 5 years this month that we, Sophie and Max, started Cognac-Expert.com. The slowest French rural internet connection coupled with our passion for Cognac and love for the Charente region, made us begin this adventure. Back then we were freaking out about the first 20 visitors…today we can count thousands of visitors per day! Thanks for all of you, our fellow Cognac experts and connoisseurs, we have grown to become the largest platform for Cognac online. This is beyond what we could have ever imagined.

We have a few things in store for you to celebrate this anniversary… First, we are about to launch a new version of the website, which is totally exciting and almost ready to go live. And second, we’re optimizing the shop, so that we can send bottles across the globe safely and easily. This will allow us to share our amazing range of Cognac producers with you – from the well-known houses to the small Cognac brands that are totally unknown and impossible to purchase outside of France.

Here are the birthday wishes we received from our Cognac friends and supporters:

“Cognac-Expert has become the reference web platform for Cognac aficionados and enthusiasts. Thanks to the great dedication from Max & Sophie, it is now a fantastic tool and info base for any Cognac lover. Long life to Cognac-Expert!”  Hervé Bache-Gabrielsen, Bache Gabrielsen Cognac

“Happy Birthday Cognac-Expert ! Congratulations, and thank you for sharing so much information and being so active for the Cognac industry.”  Elodie Abécassis, ABK6 Cognac

“Cheers to Cognac-Expert for their 5 year anniversary! You’ve reached VSOP aging, and will ultimately become an XO… Happy Birthday to the best Cognac website worldwide!” Roland Legaret, DEAU Cognac

“Five years and counting… Cognac Expert is one step away from becoming an XO! Much like our small team of twenty-two at Hine, your reputation is inversely proportional to your size. Congratulations Sophie and Max for your commitment, attention to detail, and passion in telling the finest stories our vineyards have to unveil.” François Le Grelle, Cognac HINE

“Congrats to this efficient and creative team who had the idea to create and animate the cognac communication worldwide. Within 5 years it became the most important website for the Cognac industry.” Claire Coates, SO YANG

“What an adventure in only 5 years: From the flat country to the spirit valley with humor and curiosity, interested and broad-minded, with passion and respect, with words and poetry, with kindness and pedagogy.” Olivier Blanc, Leopold Gourmel Cognac

“The adventure that started 5 years ago was a long desired initiative. Congratulations for this well deserved success. And a long life to Cognac Expert!!” Elodie Bouyer, Birius Cognac

Here’s an iPhone love declaration by Olivier Paultes, Hennessy Cognac:

His birthday greetings: “CONGRATULATION TO THE TEAM!!! After 5 dedicated years filled with a passion for Cognac, you have largely contributed to its success in the realm of the internet. Like we say at Hennessy: Never stop never settle. A huge MERCI, and may this continue for a long long time!!!”

“Building something is not easy. Keeping it alive for 5 years speaks for true passion. Sophie, Max, the entire Cognac Expert team: You have the passion for a product, a place, and for its people… This passion lead you to learn about the multiple facets that make up Cognac. Thanks to your approach and work, it always reminds me why I love to do my job. Thank you!” Jean-Baptiste Pinard, Cognac Guy Pinard

“Happy 5th Birthday to COGNAC EXPERT. Congratulations for these 5 good years. Now past the age of a young VSOP, you have, like a wonderful Grande Champagne, what it takes to age into a well-rounded “Ancestrale”. We are looking forward to this. Keep up the good work!” Alexandre Gabriel, Cognac Ferrand

Last but not least, here is a comment from the world’s leading authority on Cognac:

Five years of Cognac-Expert, seems like yesterday? How DID we manage without it?
Nicholas Faith, Writer and true Cognac connoisseur

**** Chin-chin *****  Here’s to Cognac-Expert’s 5th birthday!

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Sophie is co-founder of Cognac Expert and lives in Charente, France. She is a passionate supporter of small and medium sized Cognac houses and artisanal producers. Her background is in contemporary art.


  1. Sophie and Max – please Accept my sincere Congratulations on your anniversary! I wish You success in Your project! Good health to You and always cheerful mood!
    Best Regards,

  2. Hi Sophie & Max
    Congratulations to you cognac lovers
    a thought for Mac
    Cheers !!

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